Hi friends-
I usually take a week off to rest and recover after every World Series and this year was no different. Except that this year I also needed some extra time to decompress from, uh, world events. I don’t have anything profound to say, except that living through a pandemic taught me that sports are more important than I thought. Distraction is good. Community is even better. And I’m going to be writing a lot this winter—probably more than I usually write every off-season— because I don’t know what else to do.
So to that end, here is our upcoming schedule of events:
Our book club selection for this month is Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game by Dan Barry. We will meet over zoom to discuss it on Monday, December 2nd from 5:30 PM PT- 6:30 PM PT. I’m thrilled to announce that Dan Barry will also be on the zoom to talk about his book and take your questions! Barry is a Pulitzer Prize winner and his book is so, so good. The zoom with him is open to all paid subscribers and I hope you will join us!
Our 12-week Artist’s Way Course (open to all paid subscribers) will begin Monday December 9th. (I’ll have more info on that in a separate newsletter, but if you are interested, then block off Mondays from 5:30-6:30 PM PT from December 9th through March 3rd)
The free list will continue to receive a Friday round-up of all the baseball news of the week from me.
The paid Iist will get the Friday post plus two other weekly newsletters from me on topics I think you should know about.
The paid list will also get access to our weekly Saturday zooms from noon PT to 1 PM PT where we come together and hang out and talk baseball.
We will definitely be chatting in the app all through the winter meetings. The way I see free agency playing out is that baby deals will continue to happen but we’re all waiting for Juan Soto to sign before any other big players come off the board. The winter meetings will be held in Dallas from December 9th to 12th, and I kinda think Soto will sign that week, but who knows!
Mostly, I just want to thank you all again for being a part of this great community and making it what it is. It may be the off-season, but we’re not going anywhere. This free agent market should be especially fun and crazy and we’ll be together to talk about it every step of the way.
We did a few in-person meet-ups this year in LA and New York, and I wanted to let you guys know that next year we’ll be meeting at Fenway in Boston for Dodgers vs. Red Sox on Saturday, July 26th. So, mark your calendars if that interests you!
If you’re struggling right now, keep going. One foot in front of the other. One day, one hour, one eyelash at a time.
If you’re not struggling, I’m counting on you to help lift up those who are.
I love you guys. More to come.