An entire column about the Dodgers and ZERO rants about shortstop?! 😁

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A couple of words!

First, on Freddie. I'm no psychologist and I don't even play one on TV. But I remember Vin doing an interview with the LA Times just before his 45th year, which was 1994. They asked him something personal, which he hated: He had just lost his oldest son, and he had had to announce Big D's death on the air. He said that going into the ballpark was the way for him to put things out of his mind for a while and do his job. Now, that said, I remember a day where he was calling almost every player Michael (that was his son), and there was a night in Denver where I don't think he saw the field clearly; the next night, whatever had happened, he called the first inning, including a home run, while going through the lyrics of "The Good People of Denver" from "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," and I knew he was back. Well, for Freddie, this may be the place to be able to put things out of his mind.

Now to the injuries. Why so many? Have the Dodgers stopped to think that there are two possibilities:

1. They are doing something wrong in terms of training and conditioning?

2. They should stop going to other teams' garage sales and buying scrap?

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Hope you are on the mend!

I think it is actually good for "Baseball" if the Dodgers struggle and the division is up for grabs. Without a salary floor and no hard cap, having one team for it with a roster of galacticos can be a bit dispirting. Of course I wish everyone health but the upside at least of all the ILs is an actual competition in the West.

I also think that the Dodgers need to take a long, hard look at how they develop and then manage their pitchers. This many injuries can be chalked up to coincidence but they really have to vet all of their training methodologies in the off season.

Finally, I grew up a fan of Cleveland and loved watching Grady play. Will be really curious to see how his elite set of skills translates into managing. In a terrible season for the Southsiders, his story could be a reason to keep paying attention while they play out the string.

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“First in medals last in health care.” Pathetic. And, most truthful thing you have ever written (yeah, I know not really last, but we can do way better).

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Definitely last if graded relative to expectations. Our Healthcare Above Replacement is at Benintendi level

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Don’t look back, but here come (maybe) the Giants

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Respectfully, this article is aging like milk, Mookie and Muncy are back, Lux is hitting well, and all of the deadline acquisitions are playing above expectations and they are 3.5 games up in the division. They absolutely ought to be considered WS favorites as we approach September

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